Thomas Quintero

2019 Boost Entrepreneur

LIVE-PAST | A virtual immersion into history

LIVE-PAST is a start-up company that offers virtual reconstructions of the historical sights of a place and thus simplifies their understanding.

By using MR (Mixed Reality) technology, VR content can be created with real film sequences combined and superimposed. The resulting 360-degree content is played as an interactive movie on Smartglasses. This, in context with a touchpad, allows users to immerse themselves in the past and become an actual part of historical events.

The interactive and immersive way of mediating and experiencing as well as the place enables access to history and increases its attractiveness and interest. Besides, new technologies allow new generations to address history as a part of humankind and to understand our environment, our culture and our origins. Understanding and internalising what we experienced are essential for the identification and an increased sense of belonging.

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